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Duda is #1 in user satisfaction

Website builders on G2

Verified reviews from real customers rank Duda as
the highest-rated website builder software on G2, with an impressive satisfaction score of 98 out of 100.

Reviewers put Duda
in the top spot

Duda excels in key satisfaction areas: meets requirements, ease of admin, ease of doing business, quality of support,
ease of setup, and ease of use.

A woman is smiling while looking at a laptop computer.

See why our customers love us

We empower agencies and SaaS platforms to build and integrate sites at scale.
Customers rave about Duda’s ease of use, exceptional support, fast implementation,
and high ROI. But don’t just take our word for it — hear it from them!

Join 20,000 customers with
1,000,000 active websites

You deserve G2’s highest
rated website builder

Streamline your web building operation with a platform tailored for agencies and SaaS companies.