We’re excited to introduce Duda’s first fully customizable widget: Advanced Tabs. Built for the ultimate design flexibility, it lets you customize every component it contains with ease. Available exclusively in Editor 2.0, the new Advanced Tabs is a smart design tool  at your fingertips, built using the inner columns you're already familiar with. 

So, what’s so special about the Advanced Tabs? Check this out:

The conventional

Use a combination of text, button and an image gallery to highlight important content and drive action. But there's more. Check out the other tabs.

Add any widget or element to the tab

Imagine the possibilities. You can add any widget or element to the tab’s content area, from the obvious text, video, image, and button to the not-so-obvious map, form, menu and so much more. This makes the Advanced Tabs an obvious choice for any vertical your client’s business may be from since customizing this new smart widget is so easy, intuitive, and fast.

Some examples of how you can customize each tab include: different menus, plans, product availability, branch locations, concert dates, and many others.

Make each tab as unique as you want it to be

To maximize your design flexibility with this widget, the Advanced Tabs lets you fully customize each tab separately - as much or as little as you need it. So you could have text in one tab, a video or gallery in the other, a form in the third, and so on. And the same goes for each tab’s design.

See some live examples - using the advanced Tabs here below.

Restaurant or cafe menu

Breakfast & Brunch

Music artist's upcoming tour dates
Austin, TX

Moody Center at 9:00 PM

Product showcase

And the list goes on and on....

More design options like never before

Since the Advanced Tabs are made up of Editor 2.0’s flex inner columns, you can tweak each of these units' designs to your liking, without having any widget-specific design limits. That means you can make the design as simple or as elaborate as you want.

January 28, 2025
Hadas Moked


New Advanced Tabs Widget with Unmatched Design Flexibility

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