Updates to the blog, enhanced preview page performance, multiple domain support and more.


Blog backup/restore: A complete solution for Blog backup / restore was added. Blog backup / restore was added as a new section in the Blog settings page. Up to 20 backups can be stored. Each backup is identified with a version name and can be restored in a future point in time. Please note that Blog backup includes only Blog content (meaning, Blog posts) - The Blog’s design template is part of the design of the site and is backed-up/restored by using site backup. However, site backup does not include Blog content (posts).

Blog search: The search element allows site visitors to search content inside the blog posts. Search supports posts’ titles and descriptions (search does not support content inside the post body). Search results are presented in dynamic page (the Blog page) - Note that the design of this page cannot be edited. The search widget itself is part of the Blog section on the left sidebar and can be placed anywhere in the site. We are adding the Search widget by default as part of the Blog page.

Dashboard integration: The Posts manager is now available in the dashboard as part of the site’s context menu. Once clicking on “Manage posts”, it is opened inside the dashboard. Furthermore, the Blog permission was detached from the “Edit site” permission - Partners can now allow their customers to access the dashboard and manage their Blog posts without the risk of damaging the design of their sites. Please note that all Blog features (including backup / restore) are available in the dashboard integration except of the design template.

“Newer” and “Older” post: We have added to ability to navigate posts from within the post page.

Media extensions for RSS feeds: (MRSS) is an RSS extension used for syndicating multimedia files (audio, video, image) in RSS feeds. It was designed in 2004 by Yahoo! and the Media RSS community, and adds several enhancements to RSS enclosures. One example of enhancements is specification of thumbnails for each media enclosure. A support to the above was added to our Blog RSS feed xml. For more information please visit here and here.

Include posts in sitemap.xml: Blog posts are now available in sitemap.xml.

Localization: We have completed the Blog localization for German and Portuguese. It includes all Blog features as well as default posts’ content. Please note that within the Blog posts there is still some content which is part of the Blog’s infrastructure and is currently served only in English (“By”, “Comments”, and so on). This should be fully localized as part of the next sprint.

Editor Enhancements

Enhancement of the Image gallery widget: Similar to the Image slider, users now have the option to add text on top of the images in the Image gallery widget. A caption title and text can be added as a stripe under each image. The styles of title, text, and border can be edited, but are generic for all the images in the gallery.

Supporting multiple / alternate domains per site: Site owners can now configure multiple domains to their DudaOne sites. We are still using a single main domain, but added the ability to configure alternate domains. An alternate domain should be configured (pointed at Duda) at the same way as the main domain. We are using a 301 redirection to redirect an alternate domain to the main domain. There is also an option to directly serve the alternate domains instead of using 301 redirection (see the checkbox in the screenshot). It means that the alternate domain will be presented in the browser’s address bar - Note that in both solutions we use the rel canonical tag (which prevents SEO content duplication), but using 301 redirection is the recommended option by Google. Alternate domains are supported as well by Create / Update / Get Site APIs.

Restaurant menu - An update to SinglePlatform integration: Two updates were added to our integration with SinglePlatform. Note that that the following fixes were handled both in DudaMobile and DudaOne.

  • SinglePlatform’s logo was updated.
  • SinglePlatform has extra 'title' elements in their menus that appear in Duda as text with no drop-down or menu items. On the SinglePlatform side, this serves as an additional title with just a description (we don't display the description), but no menu items or descriptive text. Our fix displays those elements an as additional description.

Developer mode: Allow users to add additional html to the end of the body tag. Might be useful for adding remarketing tags.

General improvements

Allow PROs to bypass the welcome email and provide the signup link: A new option was added when creating a new user (customer) - The welcome email can be bypassed and instead, a new pop-up presents the customer account setup URL. The partners can copy this link and send it to the customer via a dedicated email. Please note that bypassing welcome email is already implemented when adding a new user via API.

Preview page performance improvement: The performance of our multi-device preview page was improved, it is loading much faster than before.

August 15, 2015
Cody Zimmer


Release Notes: August 15th, 2015

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