Update your sites quickly and simply with the new Publish page capability. It enables you to publish a single page on a site, without having to republish the entire site, so you can set changes live as soon as they are ready.

Available with Agency plan and up.

Update any site page and set it live

Now that you can update pages directly from the Pages panel, you have more flexibility and efficiency when it comes to republishing your sites:

  • No need to wait for customers to send everything in order to update their sites. If customers send materials for one page at a time, you can simply update and publish those pages as you go.
  • Enjoy a more flexible site-building process. Your team can work on multiple pages at once and only publish the ones that are ready. No need for the entire site to be ready before going live. 

To publish a single page, go to the Settings of the page and select Publish Page. Once it's published, an indication is displayed on the page and an auto backup is created.

Note: Your site must be publish first to allow a single page publish. For more details on Publish page, read this

June 8, 2021
Roni Landau


Publish Per Page: Faster, More Flexible Site Building

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