Everything about this template is designed to instill trust and confidence - two qualities that are super important for law firms, accounting firms, business consultants and more. The design includes images of real professionals at work, and the calm, subdued color palette creates a solid, professional feel. 

Things to love about this template

The hero image is a video background, which is great for attracting attention and creating atmosphere. It focuses on three areas of practice but these can easily be expanded to include the amount that's right for your client. 

How to reproduce the first section on your own

As always, you can save any part of this template as a Section and use it over again on other websites, but if you want to recreate this section on your own, follow the steps.

  1. Add a row below the header. Set the top padding to 600px, the bottom padding to 120px, the right and left padding to 20px.
  2. Add a background video. The horizontal and vertical position will automatically be set to 50%.
  3. Turn on the background overlay, set the color to #000000 and the opacity to 50%.
  4. Add a text widget. Add your text, and set the font to Forum. Set the style to Heading 1.
  5. Add another text widget, add your text, and set the font to Epilogue. 
  6. Set the style to paragraph and align it left.
  7. Add a button widget. Set the border and text color to white. Align it left.

Adjusting for Mobile

  1. Just set the text widget’s top margin to 255px, and the row’s bottom padding to 70px.
May 6, 2021
Roni Landau


New Template: Legal Firm

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