New Paragraph

New Paragraph

Notify store customers about their refunded order

Edit text faster with quick AI Content Assistant actions

We’ve added new quick edit suggestions right into the AI Content Assistant dialog box, to allow you to shorten, lengthen, and improve text better and faster.

To give an example, if your suggested text is longer than expected, you can easily ask the Assistant to cut it short right here at the click of a button, without needing to re-select the text and open Assistant's text menu all over again.

An added bonus: these actions are also available when generating SEO meta tags for individual fields (only title or description).

New! Change workspaces to easily work on all your accounts

We’ve added the option to quickly log in to other workspaces you might need to when working on multiple accounts.

Your Duda profile menu now includes the option to Change Workspace. Opting for this option will show you the available accounts, and clicking each of these will put you through the login to the other account.

More code customization power with your Dynamic Pages

We've added the ability to add inline binding to a page's head HTML. Until now you could connect a Dynamic Page's meta title and meta description to the site’s internal collection, to dynamically show metadata for each page item.

So what’s new? You can now add other metadata, and insert custom code to the Dynamic Page's head HTML. Another option that’s now possible is to connect Content Library fields to the <head> section of regular (non-Dynamic) site pages.

That's it for this month's Wrap Up. We hope you find these useful. Got an idea or a feature request? Stop by our Idea Board and post it.

Notify store customers about their refunded order

Edit text faster with quick AI Content Assistant actions

We’ve added new quick edit suggestions right into the AI Content Assistant dialog box, to allow you to shorten, lengthen, and improve text better and faster.

To give an example, if your suggested text is longer than expected, you can easily ask the Assistant to cut it short right here at the click of a button, without needing to re-select the text and open Assistant's text menu all over again.

An added bonus: these actions are also available when generating SEO meta tags for individual fields (only title or description).

New! Change workspaces to easily work on all your accounts

We’ve added the option to quickly log in to other workspaces you might need to when working on multiple accounts.

Your Duda profile menu now includes the option to Change Workspace. Opting for this option will show you the available accounts, and clicking each of these will put you through the login to the other account.

More code customization power with your Dynamic Pages

We've added the ability to add inline binding to a page's head HTML. Until now you could connect a Dynamic Page's meta title and meta description to the site’s internal collection, to dynamically show metadata for each page item.

So what’s new? You can now add other metadata, and insert custom code to the Dynamic Page's head HTML. Another option that’s now possible is to connect Content Library fields to the <head> section of regular (non-Dynamic) site pages.

That's it for this month's Wrap Up. We hope you find these useful. Got an idea or a feature request? Stop by our Idea Board and post it.

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Paragraph

EmbedReviews is a robust platform that automatically collects all your social media reviews from Facebook and Google, with options to import reviews from other third-party sources. 

Now, you can store all your online reviews in one place; analyze and sync them into interactive social proof widgets for your website.

The EmbedReviews app allows users to aggregate and display thousands of reviews from their Facebook pages or Google locations in seconds.

This is possible due to official integrations with the social media platforms' APIs and constant platform compliance updates with the APIs requirements. 

In addition to that, the app can sync the reviews into web widgets that are mobile responsive, interactive, and more engaging, resulting in a boost in trust and brand authority.   

So, once connected, the widgets will continue to pull fresh content from verified reviews, so you can rest assured that your visitors are seeing the most up-to-date information.


  • Generate social media reviews in one place, on autopilot – such as reviews from Facebook and Google
  • Receive and respond to reviews from one single platform
  • Create interactive web widgets that will sync all reviews on your website 
  • Hand-pick or moderate which reviews to display on your website

Facebook reviews

  • No more stock photos. Give valid data about the testimonial sources.
  • Collect Facebook reviews automatically through an approved API integration

Google Reviews

  • Live sync - The system integrates with an official Google API that will constantly update your Google reviews.
  • Multiple Google locations:  Generate Google Reviews from multiple Google profiles

Multiple sources

  • All social media sources are included in every paid plan, such as Google and Facebook reviews widgets. 

Bulk import

  • Import reviews that you've collected through email, chat, or other review websites, upload them to a custom source, and display them on any website.

Reviews reply

  • Reply to one or multiple Facebook pages or Google locations from one spot.

Custom Reviews 

  • Submit and create a web widget with your custom reviews.

Custom CSS

  • Create beautiful on-site widgets that match your brand entirely.


  • Make it sync hands-free or have control over what displays on your website.

Filters and Tags 

  • Categorize online reviews by tags and organize them by date, rating, or filter by keywords.

Automatic sync

  • Reviews you get will be automatically generated and displayed on your website.

Various templates

  •  Slider, Carousel, Grid, Column, Table, Page, SliderV.

Responsive design

  • A modern widget that loads fast and fits any website design.


Below are the top benefits that collected reviews can bring to your business:

  • Increase organic reach
  • Boost credibility
  • Promote positive and direct customer service;
  • Gain immediate trust

EmbedReviews is available now in Duda's App Store. Add it to your Duda website, connect your Facebook and Google accounts, then go to the widget panel and show the reviews widget. For more about Duda's App Store, see this

June 29, 2022
Russ Jeffery


New App: EmbedReviews

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