New Paragraph

New Paragraph

Notify store customers about their refunded order

Edit text faster with quick AI Content Assistant actions

We’ve added new quick edit suggestions right into the AI Content Assistant dialog box, to allow you to shorten, lengthen, and improve text better and faster.

To give an example, if your suggested text is longer than expected, you can easily ask the Assistant to cut it short right here at the click of a button, without needing to re-select the text and open Assistant's text menu all over again.

An added bonus: these actions are also available when generating SEO meta tags for individual fields (only title or description).

New! Change workspaces to easily work on all your accounts

We’ve added the option to quickly log in to other workspaces you might need to when working on multiple accounts.

Your Duda profile menu now includes the option to Change Workspace. Opting for this option will show you the available accounts, and clicking each of these will put you through the login to the other account.

More code customization power with your Dynamic Pages

We've added the ability to add inline binding to a page's head HTML. Until now you could connect a Dynamic Page's meta title and meta description to the site’s internal collection, to dynamically show metadata for each page item.

So what’s new? You can now add other metadata, and insert custom code to the Dynamic Page's head HTML. Another option that’s now possible is to connect Content Library fields to the <head> section of regular (non-Dynamic) site pages.

That's it for this month's Wrap Up. We hope you find these useful. Got an idea or a feature request? Stop by our Idea Board and post it.

Notify store customers about their refunded order

Edit text faster with quick AI Content Assistant actions

We’ve added new quick edit suggestions right into the AI Content Assistant dialog box, to allow you to shorten, lengthen, and improve text better and faster.

To give an example, if your suggested text is longer than expected, you can easily ask the Assistant to cut it short right here at the click of a button, without needing to re-select the text and open Assistant's text menu all over again.

An added bonus: these actions are also available when generating SEO meta tags for individual fields (only title or description).

New! Change workspaces to easily work on all your accounts

We’ve added the option to quickly log in to other workspaces you might need to when working on multiple accounts.

Your Duda profile menu now includes the option to Change Workspace. Opting for this option will show you the available accounts, and clicking each of these will put you through the login to the other account.

More code customization power with your Dynamic Pages

We've added the ability to add inline binding to a page's head HTML. Until now you could connect a Dynamic Page's meta title and meta description to the site’s internal collection, to dynamically show metadata for each page item.

So what’s new? You can now add other metadata, and insert custom code to the Dynamic Page's head HTML. Another option that’s now possible is to connect Content Library fields to the <head> section of regular (non-Dynamic) site pages.

That's it for this month's Wrap Up. We hope you find these useful. Got an idea or a feature request? Stop by our Idea Board and post it.

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Title

New Paragraph

SEO Opportunities prioritizes recommendations based on potential traffic, using your unique ranking position and click-through rates. After integrating with Google Search Console, the app will provide you with a prioritized list of opportunities like title optimizations and internal link suggestions.

Why we love this app?

SEO Opportunities has a lot of features that make it worth checking out if you are interested in optimizing your site's SEO. For example, the app highlights boilerplate content that might have slipped through the review process. After moving through things like broken links or missing content, the app will also recommend title improvements and internal link suggestions. I n addition, the app's editor toolbar gives you at-a-glance SEO information about the page you are editing, without having to open another window.

SEO Opportunities will analyze 5 pages for free, and its paid plans start at $5/month.

Using another billing platform? Here’s why you should switch to Client Billing

Last year Duda launched Client Billing, the hassle-free client payment solution built right into the platform’s dashboard. More than 400 of you love it and are already using it to bill your clients, but it was clear from agencies’ feedback that Duda’s transaction fees on top of Stripe’s were a source of frustration. We heard you.

And because we want Duda to continue to be THE platform for agencies like yours where you have everything you could possibly need to run your site building business, we decided to drop the 2.5% transaction fees. 

So we’re very happy to announce that starting February 13th, 2023, Duda is no longer collecting transaction fees from Client Billing payments. This clears the way for making Client Billing the ideal client payment management tool, so you can streamline getting paid and put all your focus on your business. 

If you already have a client payment solution for your agency, you might be wondering why Client Billing should matter. Well, if you’re even slightly struggling to keep track whether a client has paid you or not, Client Billing is your answer. What makes it really stand out is its ability to add automations to manage your Duda site subscriptions, based on whether or not a client has paid you.

Duda’s Client Billing takes all the hassle out of tracking customer payments. We will automatically email your customers on your behalf to make sure they pay. For cases of customers being behind their payment due date, you can set up automated actions like unpublishing their site to provide a powerful incentive for them to pay ASAP. As a matter of fact, 75% of our Client Billing customers use automations and feel it has significantly simplified their business.

In terms of what you can charge customers for with Client Billing, the answer is simply - everything. It can be used for one-time and recurring payments for all types of services, including site building, site maintenance, SEO services, content writing and more. Get started with Client Billing today.

New! Connect an existing Stripe account to Client Billing

Now, when you set up your Client Billing’s payment gateway, you can use an existing Stripe account rather than creating a new one for connecting with Duda. This is a huge time saver and a much more convenient way to get you set up quickly with getting paid from clients. 

Once your Stripe account is connected, you’ll be able to bill clients for your existing products and services, or create new products and tax rates - all directly in Duda. To learn more about connecting an existing Stripe account to set up Client Billing, see this guide.

Client Billing rolls out into more countries (Alô, Brasil!) 

We’re excited to update that Client Billing is now available in all the countries that Stripe supports, including Brazil! To check if your country is now supported, check this list.

Some FAQs about Client Billing fees

What will I be charged for Client Billing?

Duda won't charge you any fees for using Client Billing. Stripe does charge certain fees per transaction. 

I'm already using Client Billing, what about my existing payment requests?

We stopped charging fees for any payment requests created since February 13, 2023. For payment requests created before that date, Duda will stop charging fees for any active recurring payment request. There won’t be any refunds for transaction fees of past payments.

New to Client Billing? Starting is easy (and free)

To learn more about Client Billing and how it can boost your agency’s productivity, see here or check out the Duda university course to get you started.

February 15, 2023
Avigayil Lewin


Duda Stops Charging Client Billing Transaction Fees

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